Interview handshake

More than a gut feeling, here’s how to tell if your interview went well.

You did it.

You landed an interview, dressed to impress and had a great conversation, and you think you might actually have a shot at getting a job offer.

But is there any way to actually know if the interview went well?

Many times, job seekers are so focused on what they did wrong in an interview that they don’t think about the many things they did right. While no signs are 100 percent foolproof, there are definitely some indicators that you have won over your interviewer.

Here are 10 signs you rocked your interview:

1. You got a second interview
Receiving an invitation for a second interview is a sure-fire indicator of success. If the hiring manager wasn’t interested, she would be evasive about when and whether you could expect to hear back.

2. They asked for references
Bad hires cost employers nearly $17,000 on average. If the hiring manager asks for a list of references, it means they are seriously considering you and want to make sure you are a qualified candidate. A company won’t spend the time and money to complete this process if they aren’t interested in hiring you.

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